Everyone is looking for the perfect neighborhood...
HowTo . . .
Take Our Survey

Question 1/8

How important is long-term climate resilience to you?

Take our short survey to tell us which factors are most important to you when choosing where to live.

Once you submit your survey, you will see a map of the contiguous United States, with each state colored according to how well it matches with your submitted preferences. You'll also see your Top 10 zipcodes nationally based on your preferences. Click on a state to display a zoomed view of that state's zip codes.

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Shared Lists
Available to logged in users, our shared lists feature is designed to enhance your experience by fostering community engagement and collaboration. With this feature, you can create and manage public or private lists, sharing your favorite zip codes across the United States with fellow Greenhood users.
Here's how to make the most of shared lists:
  • Create Personalized Lists: Craft lists that reflect your interests. For example, you could organize lists by housing prices, public parks in the neighborhood, or climate risk.
  • Public or Private Options: Choose whether you want your lists to be public or keep them private for a more personalized experience. Public lists can be a powerful way to collaborate with the community and share your insights.
  • Collaborate on Lists: Collaborate with friends and family to find the perfect neighborhood by creating joint lists.
  • With Greenhood's Group Survey, you can embark on a collective adventure with your potential roommates to find your dream neighborhood. Start by forming a group with your friends, family, or fellow Greenhood users. Each member of your group should take our survey. Our platform will aggregate the group's survey results, providing collective insight into the group preferences, such as the group's shared top 10 zipcodes.
